About Me
My name is Dave, and I'm an all-around computer enthusiast. I created this blog in order to share some of the projects, discoveries, successes, and failures in my professional and hobbyist adventures with computers, just in case this is useful to anyone else.I hold a B.S. in computer science, and currently work as a systems administrator at Utica College. I'm primarily responsible for the deployment, maintenance, and operation of Linux and Unix servers, as well as the applications which run on them. My job also includes quite a bit of scripting, and a smattering of application development, data recovery, networking, database administration, user support, and lots of fun with SSL certificates.
I strongly believe in the power of open source software, and try to use open source solutions whenever possible. I run Debian GNU/Linux as the primary OS on my work and home PCs. I am the author and maintainer of an open source Android app called CheckValve, as well a piece of companion software called CheckValve Chat Relay, both of which are released under version 3 of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Outside of work, my hobbies include maintaining CheckValve, writing random programs, and working with old technology. Old computers and video game consoles hold a special place in my heart, and I seem to collect far more old stuff than anyone probably should. My collection includes some old PCs, even older Macs, a Commodore Amiga, a Commodore 128, a TRS-80 Model III, and even a TRS-80 Model 100. I also have an NES, a few original Game Boys, and a Sega Game Gear. The old TI-99/4A we had as kids must still be around somewhere, and perhaps someday I'll dig it out. Yep, lots of old stuff.
I'm truly lucky to be married to my beautiful wife, and we have two incredible 5-year-old sons. Their never-ending interest in science, love of nature, and constant questioning of the world around them is an inspiration. I spend every possible moment with them, loving every minute of it. My experiments and projects with technology have certainly waned over the last few years, and I find it takes me a very long time to get things done, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Well, I hope something here proves useful to you during your own adventures with technology. If you have a question, please don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy your Computer Salad!